Self Esteem

Self Esteem

Teaching elementary age children about self-esteem is important for developing a positive self-image and building confidence. Here is a guideline for parents to use during teachable moments when explaining the concept of self-esteem and the choices and consequences associated with it:

  • 1.Define self-esteem: Begin by explaining that self-esteem is how we feel about ourselves and our worth as individuals. Emphasize that self-esteem is about valuing and accepting ourselves for who we are.

  • 2.Discuss self-worth: Help children understand that their worth is not determined by external factors, such as appearance or achievements, but by their inherent value as human beings. Emphasize that everyone is unique and has strengths and qualities that make them special.

  • 3.Explore positive and negative self-talk: Discuss the power of our thoughts and the importance of positive self-talk. Teach children to replace negative or self-critical thoughts with positive and affirming statements about themselves

  • 4.Discuss choices related to self-esteem: Talk about the choices children can make to boost their self-esteem. Choices may include practicing self-care, setting and achieving personal goals, surrounding themselves with supportive and positive influences, and challenging self-doubt.

  • 5.Highlight consequences of self-esteem choices: Discuss the consequences of different self-esteem choices. Help children understand that making positive choices to cultivate self-esteem can lead to greater confidence, resilience, and a positive outlook on life. Negative choices, such as comparing oneself to others or engaging in self-deprecating behavior, can harm self-esteem and hinder personal growth.

  • 6.Encourage self-acceptance: Teach children the importance of accepting themselves, flaws and all. Help them understand that everyone makes mistakes and that it is okay to learn and grow from them. Encourage them to focus on their strengths and celebrate their achievements.

  • 7.Foster a supportive environment: Create an environment at home that supports and reinforces positive self-esteem. Offer praise and encouragement for their efforts and accomplishments. Provide a safe space for them to express their thoughts and feelings without judgment.

  • 8.Promote resilience: Teach children that setbacks and failures are a natural part of life. Encourage them to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Help them develop resilience by encouraging perseverance and problem-solving skills.

  • 9.Teach assertiveness and boundary-setting: Help children develop assertiveness skills, including the ability to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs in a respectful manner. Encourage them to set boundaries and stand up for themselves when necessary.

  • 10.Reinforce positive behavior: Acknowledge and praise your child's efforts to build self-esteem and embrace their uniqueness. Celebrate instances where they demonstrate self-acceptance, confidence, and resilience. Reinforce the positive impact of their choices and actions.

  • 11.Model positive self-esteem: Be a positive role model by demonstrating self-acceptance and positive self-esteem in your own words and actions. Avoid negative self-talk and show self-care practices. Help children understand that self-esteem is a lifelong journey that requires continuous nurturing.

Remember, teaching about self-esteem is an ongoing process. By following this guideline, parents can help their children understand the concept of self-esteem, make informed choices, and recognize the positive consequences of cultivating a healthy self-image and inner confidence.

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