
                                                                         Message from the Director of  Hashtag Choices

As Director of the Tenafly Municipal Alliance for the last six years I have been dealing with how best to connect with Students, from Elementary to High School, and how to make an impact that will resonate with them throughout their early lives.

Many Parents have asked us how we can reach out to younger children without raising issues that no Elementary School Students should even be thinking about. So I teamed up with some very creative Parents and School Counselors to develop a program called hashtagchoices, an interactive presentation that encourages some deep thinking about the CHOICES we make and the possible consequences

Meet Hashtag Choices

Todd Uresse

Todd Uresse


Director hashtagchoices 2015-Present

Todd has a passion for creating programs that impact our youth in positive and realistic ways. He works closely with the Tenafly School District, initiating the "Hugs for Heroes"-which is a postcard program for wounded soldiers utilizing Students from Elementary School Through High School delivering over 3000 postcards a year. As well as bringing important awareness programs around the dangers of underage drinking and drug use and other social issues. As a result Todd was awarded the Bergen County New Jersey Volunteer of the Year award in 2018. 

Chairman TenaflyCAP (Chemical Awareness Program) 2015-Present

TenaflyCAP collaborates directly with the six public school principals; introducing positive daily affirmations to each school, creating public service announcements, and establishing awareness programs that can be presented each year to appropriate grades.

Todd is also the proud Father of two Teenage Girls 

Hannah Cohen


Sierra Moon

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