Mental Health

Mental Health

Teaching elementary age children about mental health is important for their emotional well-being and understanding of their own feelings and the feelings of others. Here is a guideline for parents to use during teachable moments when explaining the concept of mental health and the choices and consequences associated with it:

  • 1.Introduce mental health: Begin by explaining that mental health refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
  • Discuss how mental health affects how we think, feel, and act, and how it plays a role in our overall happiness and quality of life.

  • 2.Discuss emotions: Help children understand that emotions are a normal and natural part of being human. Discuss a range of emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and stress. Explain that it's important to acknowledge and express our emotions in healthy ways.

  • 3.Normalize seeking help: Explain that just like physical health, mental health can vary from person to person and can sometimes require extra support. Normalize the idea of seeking help from trusted adults, such as parents, teachers, or counselors, when needed.

  • 4.Discuss choices related to mental health: Talk about the choices children can make to take care of their mental health. Choices may include expressing their emotions, engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation, practicing mindfulness or deep breathing exercises, and seeking support when they are feeling overwhelmed.

  • 5.Promote self-care: Teach children about the importance of self-care for maintaining good mental health. Discuss activities they can engage in to take care of themselves, such as getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, staying physically active, and engaging in hobbies they enjoy.

  • 6.Explain consequences of neglecting mental health: Discuss the consequences of neglecting mental health. Help children understand that when we ignore or suppress our emotions, it can lead to increased stress, difficulty concentrating, changes in behavior, and challenges in relationships. Explain that taking care of our mental health is essential for overall well-being.

  • 7.Encourage empathy and support: Foster empathy and support towards others who may be struggling with their mental health. Teach children to be kind and understanding towards their peers, offering support and encouragement when someone is feeling down or stressed.

  • 8.Combat stigma: Address any stigma or misconceptions surrounding mental health. Help children understand that mental health challenges are common and can affect anyone. Encourage open and non-judgmental discussions about mental health to promote understanding and compassion.

  • 9.Provide age-appropriate resources: Offer age-appropriate books, videos, or activities that help children learn more about mental health. Use these resources as conversation starters to deepen their understanding and address any questions they may have.

  • 10.Foster open communication: Create an environment where children feel comfortable discussing their emotions and mental health concerns. Encourage open communication and actively listen to their thoughts and feelings. Provide validation, support, and reassurance when needed.

  • 11.Reinforce positive behavior: Acknowledge and praise your child's efforts to take care of their mental health and show empathy towards others. Celebrate instances where they practice self-care, express their emotions, or offer support to someone in need. Reinforce the positive impact of their choices and actions.

Remember, teaching about mental health is an ongoing process. By following this guideline, parents can help their children understand the concept of mental health, make informed choices, and recognize the importance of taking care of their own well-being and supporting others in their mental health journey.

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